Tuesday 9 October 2007

Sad News

Joe Mitty 1919-2007

Fans of second-hand music rave about all sorts of famous, cool and esoteric people. They laud obscure sound track composers and obsess about 60's tv theme tunesmiths , but one person has improved our lives as much as any of these even, Jerry Wexler ! He's Joe Mitty the man who set up the first Oxfam Shop. Without him all this wonderful stuff would pass out of circulation, decent clothes, books , weird pottery animals and of course lot's of lovely vinyl. So a big thanks to Joe and obviously praise for his work in raising millions for the poor of the world.
here's his Obit in the paper.

Oxfam are one of my charities of choice and do good innovative work to help people all over the world. Not just disaster appeals but long term work such as fighting malaria in Africa, why not go to their site and find out more and perhaps give them a shilling direct.

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