Sunday 6 July 2008

Who ,What, Where?

What we learnt from last night's telly?
Dr Who ended with a big mad finale the only complaint I have was an outbreak of nonsense names. You might have heard of the game for naming spy novels take a mythological name and it to abstract noun e.g. "The Chimera paradox", "The medusa quarrel", "The Persephone Countdown" well DW did have a lot of this last night the "Osterharg key" (or summat) the “two-way biological metacrisis” (I had one of these in bar in Limehouse once, a few stiff gins and some cream from Boots and I was fine) the “reality nexus” it got a tad silly.

This aside it was enjoyable if barking and I like the way the modern series deals a lot in time travel the older series didn’t seem to bother much with all this.
One last nice touch was that we didn’t see Davros die as unlike the Cybermen, the Master or even the Daleks, there is only one Davros he’s the same wheel barrow full of mad scheming latex in every encounter.

Warning : Whatever you do don’t watch the choir programme that was on after Dr Who it’s 1,000 % sentimental crud.


Cocktails said...

I thought that Dr Who's 'grand finale' was completely disappointing. The only stuff that I could really understand was all the sentimental mushiness which I hate. Bloody Rose and the second doctor, the Doctor left 'alone in the universe; at the end. What?! Bleurgh.

And I can't believe you even took a chance on the choir show!

BLTP said...

I liked the whole empting out the toy box in big heap nutiness, I must admit the endless tearful goodbyes are getting tiresome. As to the choir show I was round a mates house and it kind of stayed on, we did turn off though.