Wednesday 29 April 2009

In a £1 galaxy far far away

Obesity crisis: Lard pusher's of the world unite
The fact that WH Smith’s are to blame for this problem is almost a cliché; even when you walk up to the counter with half of Wonka’s sweet factory in your pudgy hands they still try to push cheap huge bars of Galaxy at you.
The new twist is however is that they were doing it last night in the hospital foyer branch of Smith’s I was in.

Being overweight is largely down to the choices we make ourselves but come on guys give people a break.


Russ said...

It's the only branch of WHSmith I've seen in ages, though, that actually sells CANs of fizzy pop instead of overpriced bottles. so we should at least applaud them for that.

al_uk said...

Barnsley market has started putting on a range of "specialist" markets, some weeks flowers, last weekend speciality and continental food. Its really rather good. Guess which stall was the only one that had sold out? The Posh Pork Pie Shop!! So none of that foreign muck then!!! We know what we like and like what we know!!